Texas Tech University


[Major revision–posted 2/8/23 (replaces 7/1/20 edition)]
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 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 34.13: Grades for Military Personnel Ordered to Active Duty

DATE: February 8, 2023

PURPOSE: Pursuant to established university programs, students may be members of the military while enrolled in and attending classes. The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to ensure understanding and standardized guidelines for awarding grades to students called to active military duty during an academic semester.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed every two years after publication by the Director of Military and Veterans Programs with substantive revisions forwarded through the Vice Provost for Academic Innovation and Student Success or designee to the Provost and Senior Vice President.


1.  Official Status

Students who qualify for special procedures for awarding grades are those who are officially ordered to report for active military duty before the end of the academic semester in which they are currently enrolled.

“Military duty” means any activity of a service member performing military duty under a lawful federal or state military order, including training.

2.  Options for Grades

a.    The student may formally withdraw with a refund.

b.    The student may receive an I only when course work is satisfactory in quality but, due to reasons beyond her/his control, has not been completed. It is not given instead of an F or W or PR. The instructor assigning the grade will stipulate in writing at the time the grade is given the conditions under which the I may be removed. The form for granting an incomplete (I) is available online at http://www.depts.ttu.edu/registrar/regdept/collegecontacts/UndergraduateGrade_of_Incomplete_Form.pdf. The I will become an F after one calendar year, so caution should be exercised when assigning this grade. The I may be replaced by an R if the course is repeated. The appropriate grade will be given for the second registration.

c.    The student may receive a final grade in the course with the agreement of the instructor.

3.  Procedure

a.    The student is required to provide documentation of the military order to the Military and Veterans Programs Office and the Office of the Registrar and follow procedures for withdrawal through that office.

b.    The student should consult with the professor of each class to determine the grade to be awarded.

c.    The student must file the Emergency Response Form (see attachment).

d.   The faculty of record must retain any relevant course work completed during the course prior to the student being called to active military duty.

e.    The faculty must retain the syllabus for that course so that the student will be able to complete the course without prejudice and under the same course requirements that were in effect when the student enrolled in the course.

f.    The Vice Provost for Academic Innovation and Student Success will settle any disputes arising from this process.

4.  Return After Military Duty

After the completion of active military service, if the student withdrew from classes and wishes to continue to pursue a degree at Texas Tech University, the student must apply for readmission but will not be charged an application fee. Students who are called to military duty and must withdraw from classes for training or temporary duty during a long semester are required to submit a readmission application, along with a copy of orders. The copy of the orders will suffice as a fee waiver for the application fee.


Attachment: Emergency Response Form

Operating Policies & Procedures