Texas Tech University


[Moderate revision–posted 11/10/20 (replaces 10/22/18 edition)]
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 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 36.01: Adding, Changing, and Deleting Courses and Changing Method of Delivery

DATE: November 10, 2020

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to ensure understanding and a standardized approach concerning curriculum changes.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed every two years after publication by the Office of the Provost and the Senior Vice Provost with substantive revisions presented to the Provost and Senior Vice President (PSVP).


The PSVP has been delegated the authority and responsibility for authorizing course additions, changes, and deletions.

1.  Policy

a.    The PSVP or designee will approve all additions, deletions, and changes (including changes in method of delivery) of courses for Texas Tech University using an established procedure for reviewing and determining approval. The review process will include departmental recommendations, college committees established for course review, the Graduate Council for graduate courses, and the Academic Council.

b.    Courses should not be submitted for areas in which degree programs have not been approved except when they accompany degree program requests.

c.    Efforts should be made at each level to ensure against proliferating courses beyond the ability of the department to offer such courses regularly. Guidance for this is available in the Curricular Proposals section of the Provost's website. The ratio of faculty to course inventory should be considered.

d.    Departments should review courses annually to ensure appropriateness of content and accuracy of description.

e.    Courses not taught for three consecutive years will be brought to the attention of the department chair and, if not justified, dropped from the course inventory after five years.

f.    Course descriptions should not be changed substantively in catalog copy unless changes have been approved through the established procedures below.

g.    Courses should not be taught before they are accepted as part of the course inventory.

2.  Procedure

a.    Requests for new courses, deletions, and changes to existing courses must be initiated on the university's online curriculum approval platform.*

An approved course section in which 50 percent or more of the contact hours will be delivered electronically must meet the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Principles of Good Practice and be certified by filing a Principles of Good Practice/Copyright Compliance Form, which is available online at http://www.depts.ttu.edu/elearning/faculty/evaluate/, prior to delivery. The Office of the Provost is responsible for ensuring that the course has been entered into the distance education database before the course is offered.

b.    The course description should be brief (usually fewer than 25 words), indicating only the essential topics and/or learning objectives of the course. Additionally, changes involving the text of the course description or changes involving course prerequisites or any other course restrictions must also be submitted via the university's online curriculum approval platform. Changes to course enrollment restrictions (including pre- and co-requisites) should not be made until the proposed changes have been submitted via the university's online curriculum approval platform and reviewed by the Academic Council.

c.    Departments intending to introduce or substantially change courses that affect other departments or areas should consult with those units before preparing the application. If courses are submitted that appear to involve conflicts or jurisdictional questions between departments or areas, the PSVP or his/her representative will ask Academic Council members from the colleges or schools involved to attempt to resolve those questions before the course is considered by the council. Justification and syllabi may be required to provide a basis for these considerations.

d.    The following deadlines apply to changes made to existing courses. The stated deadline indicates the latest date by which a change must be fully approved in the university's online curricular management system. New courses may be proposed at any time:

(1)   Changes to courses offered in a Fall or Winter Intersession term: March 31

(2)   Changes to courses offered in a Spring or Maymester term: October 31

(3)   Changes to courses offered in a Summer or August Intersession term: March 31

e.    The following routing is required:

(1)    The department initiates a proposal on the university's online curriculum approval platform. Each department may initiate a proposal after it is reviewed and approved by the faculty as per unit or departmental policy.

(2)    If approved, the proposal is reviewed by the Office of the Registrar for accuracy of information entered.

(3)    The proposal is reviewed by the appropriate College Curriculum Committee and, if approved, is routed to the Graduate Council, if necessary, and then to the Academic Council. A digest of the requests is distributed to members prior to the meeting. Action of the Council is noted in the minutes of the meeting. If the vote is positive and the PSVP approves the request, the information is then applied to the course inventories for both the university and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

(4)    The course does not become official until it appears in the inventory of the Coordinating Board.

(5)    An electronic archive of the approval process will be maintained in the university's online curriculum approval platform.


* The university utilizes the Curriculog curriculum management system to manage approval workflow of all curricular requests. Questions about the system may be directed to the Office of the Registrar.

Operating Policies & Procedures