Texas Tech University


[Moderate revision–posted 1/23/25 (replaces 2/18/22 edition)]
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 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 52.06: Project Management Practices

DATE: January 23, 2025

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to establish institution-wide project management practices for all information resources projects.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed every two years after publication by the Senior Director of IT Policy & Planning and IT Project Manager who will recommend substantive revisions to the TTU Chief Information Officer (CIO).


1.  Texas Administrative Code Chapter 216 requires that the university initiate, approve, and publish a methodology that communicates an institution-wide approach for project management practices.* Additional information for industry project management practices may be found at:

a.    The IT Project Management Practices Guide, which is the result of collaborative work by the CIOs of the Texas Tech System institutions and contains a repeatable, institution-wide approach for the management of information resources projects. All information resources projects at the university shall utilize this guide in all aspects of its management.

b.    The Texas Project Delivery Framework, which may also be used to manage information resources projects or contracts at the university. Per Texas Government Code Chapter 2054, major contracts or major information resources projects must utilize the Texas Project Delivery Framework. Major contract means a contract that has a value of at least $1 million.† Major information resources project generally means an information resources technology project that exceeds $5 million in cost and requires a year or longer to complete, involves more than one state agency, or substantially alters work methods of state agency personnel or the delivery of services.‡

2.  All information resources projects at the university will be registered using the IT Project Registration application and managed in accordance with this OP.

3.  Requests for assistance with technology projects may be submitted to the IT Project Management Office at itprojects@ttu.edu.

4.  In accordance with Texas Administrative Code § 213.38, accessibility testing, planning, and execution criteria shall be documented and performed by a third-party testing resource or knowledgeable institution of higher education staff member to validate compliance with the State of Texas accessibility requirements for any IT project whose developments costs exceed $500,000 and that:

a.    Requires one year or longer to reach operations status;

b.    Involves more than one institution of higher education or state agency; or

c.    Substantially alters work methods of institution of higher education or agency personnel or the delivery of services to clients.

5.  In accordance with Texas Government Code § 2054.161, all data produced from or used in IT projects must be classified in order to determine the appropriate data security and retention requirements. (See the IT Information/Data Classification security policy for more details on data classification and TTU OP 10.10, Records Retention, for the university’s retention schedule.)

6.  The TTU Office of the CIO has final authority on all TTU technology issues, including exceptions to existing IT policies.

7.  Right to Change Policy

Texas Tech University reserves the right to interpret, change, modify, amend, or rescind this policy, in whole or in part, at any time without the consent of employees or students.



* Mandated by Texas Administrative Code § 216.20

† Defined by Texas Government Code § 2262.001(4)

‡ Defined by Texas Government Code § 2054.003(10)

Operating Policies & Procedures