Texas Tech University


[Moderate revision–posted 10/16/17 (replaces 2/5/15 edition)]
[PDF Version]

 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 52.07: Website Operations

DATE: October 16, 2017

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to establish an enterprise-wide web publication policy for Texas Tech University websites.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed every two years after publication by the Information Technology (IT) Policy and Planning Officer, the Assistant Vice President for IT, and Managing Director of Communications & Marketing who will recommend substantive revisions to the TTU Chief Information Officer (CIO).


1.  Definitions

a.    Home page—The primary page or entry point of a website

b.    Primary public entry point—A web page designed specifically for the public to access official institutional information. Texas Tech University (TTU) has designated www.ttu.edu and www.texastech.edu as the key public entry points for the university.

c.    Secondary public entry point—Any supplementary web page designed for the public to access official information. Secondary public entry points may be designated by the CIO and the Managing Director of Communications & Marketing.

d.    Web content owner—Any college, school, department, or other area that publishes and/or maintains TTU information online, including social media websites. Each TTU college, school, and department must designate an individual as the primary web contact point.

e.    Web page—Static or dynamic content displayed on the Internet that is identified by a unique Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

f.    Website—Several interrelated and cross-linked web resources designed to function as a collective unit.

g.    Web resource—Any data, information, application, or tool published on the Internet. This includes, but is not limited to, web pages, websites, and web applications.

(1)    Official web resource—Any data, information, application, or tool published on the Internet by the colleges, schools, departments, or other areas of TTU in support of its mission/business operations.

(2)    Unofficial web resource—Any data, information, application, or tool published on the Internet by individual students, faculty, staff, or organizations for personal use/expression that are not formally endorsed by the university.

2.  General Policy

a.    Web Publishing

(1)    TTU encourages the colleges, schools, departments, and other areas to utilize the web, as they deem appropriate, to accomplish their goals and support the mission and strategic priorities of the university.

(2)    Published web content for both official and unofficial web resources must not conflict with TTU institutional mission, vision, goals, objectives, or policies.

(3)    All official TTU web resources must comply with the provisions of Chapter 206, State Websites, and Chapter 213, Electronic and Information Resources, of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) and all applicable university policies.

(4)    The quality of the information published online has a direct effect on the reputation and image of TTU. Web content owners are responsible for the information, links, images, and all other content delivered to the site. Department heads/designees shall approve all official web resources prior to publication.

(5)    Appropriate area or unit employees must regularly review website content for accuracy and currency. Web resources containing outdated and/or inaccurate information are subject to removal. In the event that outdated and/or inaccurate content is published, the registered web content owner will be notified for resolution. Web resources may be removed immediately for violation of any federal/state regulations or university policies, including security or other concerns.

(6)    When publishing information online, web content owners shall comply with all copyright laws.*

(7)    The TTU Information Technology Division will provide and support an institutional content management system for all areas and units to use. Official web resources must be located on institutional web servers housed in the University Data Center.

b.    Authority

(1)    All final decisions regarding visual identity and branding will be resolved by the TTU Office of Communications & Marketing.

(2)    All navigation decisions will be resolved by the TTU Office of the CIO and the TTU Office of Communications & Marketing.

(3)    All other issues will be resolved by the TTU Office of the CIO.

c.    Web Visual Elements

(1)    Texas Tech University logos are legally protected trademarks and unauthorized use of these trademarks is prohibited. Any web resource that displays the TTU logos must comply with the university's web guidelines (http://www.ttu.edu/webguidelines).

(2)    All official TTU web resource shall utilize the appropriate templates developed by the TTU IT Division and the Office of Communications & Marketing. Approved templates can be found at http://www.ttu.edu/webguidelines.

d.    Web Resource Components (as managed through the web content management system)

(1)    Each official web resource must link to the university-provided footer. The official footer contains, but is not limited to:

• University contact information
• Links required by Chapter 206, State Websites, Texas Administrative Code
• Links required by university policies
• Declaration that the page is part of the Texas Tech University System and
• Date published or last updated.

(2)    The TTU IT Division and the Office of Communications & Marketing maintain an institutional web template to be used by all areas, departments, and units publishing official web resources. Those pages must be located on the University web server housed in the University Data Center.

(3)    Search function in the top right corner of the page.

(4)    The Double T or other official signature of Texas Tech University must lead back to the TTU home page (www.ttu.edu.)

(5)    Each official site must contain the appropriate identifying official visual element (see section 2.c above).

e.    Advertising and Endorsement

(1)    University policy and state law prohibits the use of university resources for unauthorized, political,† or commercial purposes,‡ or for personal gain.

(2)    Official TTU web resources must not feature any advertisement for third party merchants, products,§ or services. Limited exceptions may be granted by the CIO for special arrangements/promotions made between TTU and others that benefit the TTU community.

(3)    Links from any TTU web resource to any third party must not imply university endorsement of the third party's products or services. The following disclaimer is recommended when linking to any external commercial link: "These links are merely provided as a convenience or informational resource. They do not imply nor represent an endorsement by Texas Tech University or its affiliates."

f. Unofficial Web Resources

(1)    TTU recognizes the value of publishing on the Internet and encourages and supports students, faculty, staff, or organizations in establishing their presence online. While these web resources are considered unofficial, the quality of the information and the content could still have an effect on the reputation and image of TTU.

(2)    To avoid any negative effects to TTU, unofficial web resources must comply with all applicable TTU, federal, state, and local policies. Unofficial web pages may be removed immediately for violation of any university policies or for security or other concerns.

(3)    Use of TTU logos or any other official insignia are restricted to official TTU web resources only. Unofficial web resources may display official TTU logos, but all use must comply with the university's web guidelines (www.ttu.edu/webguidelines).

(4)    Unofficial web resources must not imply nor infer official representation or approval of or endorsement by the university.

g.    Web Publishing Guidelines

The web publishing guidelines were developed collaboratively by the TTU IT Division and the Office of Communications & Marketing to ensure consistency in the presentation and quality of TTU information online. The guidelines may be found at www.ttu.edu/webguidelines. Topics addressed include, but are not limited to, the following:

(1)    Sponsored Links

Sponsored links and prioritization of sponsored links in search returns are determined by the TTU Office of Communications & Marketing.

(2)    Web Content Owner Database

All web content owners must register their website/pages with the TTU IT Division, which manages contact and technology updates with those on the web.

(3)    Image Gallery (photos.ttu.edu)

Images in the gallery are property of TTU and may not be used by non-TTU individuals or entities without prior written permission from the TTU Office of Communications and Marketing.

3.  Right to Change Policy

Texas Tech University reserves the right to interpret, change, modify, amend, or rescind this policy, in whole or in part, at any time without the consent of employees or students.



* See OP 52.02, Infringement Of Copyrights In Information Technology (IT), and OP 74.04, Intellectual Property Rights

† Mandated by Texas Election Code § 255.003 and Texas Government Code § 556.004

‡ Mandated by Texas Administrative Code § 202.72(3), Texas Government Code § 2203.004, TTU OP 61.01, and TTU OP 10.11

§ Mandated by Texas Administrative Code § 202.72(3), Texas Government Code § 2203.004, TTU OP 61.01(2), and TTU OP 10.11

Operating Policies & Procedures