Texas Tech University


[Date changed–posted 11/13/23 (last revised 10/28/21)]
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 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 60.18: Temporary Food Service Permit System

DATE: November 13, 2023

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to provide information on the Texas Tech University temporary food service permit system.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed in October of odd-numbered years by the Assistant Vice President for Environmental Health & Safety with substantive revisions forwarded through the Associate Vice President for Research (Responsible Research) to the Vice President for Research & Innovation.


1.  References

Texas Department of State Health Services Texas Food Establishment Rules 25 TAC §§ 229.161–178

2.  Requirements

a.    In order for any person, vendor, or organization to operate a temporary food service or mobile unit on Texas Tech property, a valid temporary food service permit must be issued by Environmental Health & Safety (EHS).

b.    A temporary food service permit shall be issued only in compliance with the requirements of the EHS and the Texas Department of State Health Services, Food Establishments Group.

c.    Temporary food service permits shall not be transferable from one person, vendor, or organization to another. Permits will be issued for one person, vendor, or organization for one specific event, location, and time. The temporary food service permit will be issued for a specific time and event as determined by the Environmental Health Specialist of EHS. It shall be posted prominently in every temporary food establishment and/or mobile unit.

3.  Issuance of Permit

a.    Any person, vendor, or organization desiring to operate a temporary food establishment or a mobile unit shall submit an electronic application for a temporary food service permit. The application form can be found at the EHS website: https://www.depts.ttu.edu/ehs/publichealth/foodestablishment/food-permit-request.php.

b.    Upon receipt of such application, the Environmental Health Specialist from EHS may make or cause to be made an inspection of the temporary food establishment or mobile unit to determine compliance with the provisions of these rules. If a city, the Texas Department of State Health Services, or a health district issues a permit to the person, vendor, or organization, then a copy of the most recent inspection report and food service permit should be included with the application for a temporary permit. When the inspection reveals that the applicable requirements of these rules have been met, a permit shall be issued to the applicant. If the food products are prepared, stored, or manufactured at another location or commissary, then the Environmental Health Specialist may make or cause to be made an inspection of those facilities to determine compliance with these rules. Persons, vendors, or organizations using Texas Tech property may need to contact the Texas Tech Outdoor Events Coordinating Committee to ensure that all provisions of this committee are met.

4.  Suspension of Temporary Food Service Permit

Permits may be suspended by EHS for failure of the permit holder to comply with the requirements of these rules and/or for an unacceptable inspection report.

5.  Reinstatement of Suspended Permits

Any person, vendor, or organization whose temporary permit has been suspended may make application at any time for another inspection for the purpose of reinstatement of the temporary permit. Re-inspection will be done as soon as possible. If the applicant is complying with the requirements of these rules, the permit may be reinstated.

6.  Revocation of Temporary Food Service Permits

a.    The temporary food service permit may be permanently revoked for serious or repeated violations of any of the requirements of these rules or for interference with the Environmental Health Specialist in the performance of her/his duties.

b.    After such action, the Environmental Health Specialist of EH&S shall notify the permit holder in writing of the reason(s) why the temporary food service permit is subject to revocation.

c.    An appeal meeting may be held to resolve any violations within 10 days of permanently revoking the temporary food service permit.

Operating Policies & Procedures