Texas Tech University


[Date changed–posted 10/27/23 (last revised 11/25/2015)]
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 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 64.08: Fellowships and Traineeships

DATE: October 27, 2023

PURPOSE: This Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is intended to define the process for the review and submission of applications for fellowships and traineeships to external entities and to outline the means of distributing institutional funds resulting from the award of such fellowships and traineeships.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed in September of odd-numbered years by the Dean of the Graduate School with substantive revisions forwarded to the Provost and Senior Vice President.


1.  The Graduate School must review and approve all applications for fellowships and traineeships from graduate students and postdoctoral scholars prior to their submission to external entities. This will enable tracking of all such applications and assure compliance with sponsor guidelines and regulatory requirements (IACUC, IRB, etc.).

2.  The Graduate School will serve as the fund manager for all fellowships, traineeships, and foreign government-sponsored scholarships that are awarded to the institution to be administered on behalf of the graduate student or postdoctoral scholar.

3.  Fellowships, traineeships, and foreign government-sponsored scholarships that include stipend and cost-of-education allowances awarded to the university, graduate students, or post-doctoral fellows will be handled as follows:

• The Graduate School will disperse stipend payments to students and postdoctoral scholars (and dependency allowances, if applicable).

• Cost-of-education allowances are intended to reimburse the university for inherent costs involved in conducting the programs. The Graduate School will use this allowance to pay the tuition and fees of fellows and trainees.

• The remainder of the cost-of-education allowance, if any, will be divided equally between the Graduate School and the student's major department.


Operating Policies & Procedures