Texas Tech University


[Date changed–posted 11/1/23 (last revised 11/12/21)]
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 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 68.03: Visual Identity Guidelines

DATE: November 1, 2023

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to establish consistency in the use of university branding on collateral issued by the university.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed in September of odd-numbered years by the Director of Marketing with substantive revisions forwarded to the Vice President for Marketing & Communications.


1.  Intent

The public image of Texas Tech University (TTU) is highly dependent on the visual impressions we create when we communicate internally and with our external constituents. The intent of this OP is to eliminate conflicting images and logos, which misrepresent Texas Tech University, and to promote consistency in our communications by establishing guidelines that highlight proper use of the university brand.

2.  Distribution of Identity Guidelines

The visual identity guidelines, writing guidelines, and web guidelines for TTU are available to all campus units in the Identity Guidelines section of the TTU website at http://www.depts.ttu.edu/communications/identityguidelines.

3.  Cooperation with Vendors

Vendors doing business with TTU will be directed to the visual identity guidelines for reference by the Office of Communications & Marketing.

4.  Administration

Questions about the guidelines should be directed to the Office of Communications & Marketing. Exemptions will be given for specific cases where there is a clear reason and need for such an exemption. Decisions will be made by the Director of Marketing or Vice President for Marketing & Communications.

Operating Policies & Procedures