Texas Tech University


[Date changed–posted 8/30/23 (replaces 8/6/21 edition)]
[PDF Version]

 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 76.06: Bomb Threat Procedures

DATE: August 30, 2023

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to establish procedures and assign responsibility for handling bomb threats on university property.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed in August of odd-numbered years by the Chief of Police with substantive revisions forwarded to the Senior Vice President for Administration & Finance and Chief Financial Officer.


Upon receipt of a bomb threat, the person receiving the call should immediately notify the Texas Tech Police Department and then the departmental supervisor. A checklist is available to assist in obtaining helpful information (see attachment). The Texas Tech Police Department communications operator will immediately dispatch officers to the location of the reported threat to perform a cursory search of the premises and assume responsibility for handling the threat.

Should a search require a substantial disruption of normal activities, the Chief of Police will notify the Senior Vice President for Administration & Finance and Chief Financial Officer, or designee, and the President. The Texas Tech Police Department will coordinate the dissemination of necessary information to the Office of Communications & Marketing.


Attachment: Bomb Threat Information Checklist

Operating Policies & Procedures