Texas Tech University


[Moderate revision–posted 8/14/24 (replaces 6/7/19 edition)]
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 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 80.08: Collisions Involving University Vehicles

DATE: August 14, 2024

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to establish procedures to be followed in the event of a collision involving a vehicle owned, rented, leased by, or loaned to the university.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed every two years after publication by the Texas Tech University System Managing Director of Risk Management and the Associate Vice President for Operations with substantive revisions forwarded through the Senior Vice President for Administration & Finance and Chief Financial Officer to the Texas Tech University System Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer.


1.  The Texas Tech University System Office of Risk Management (TTUSORM) is responsible for receiving and processing reports for all motor vehicle collision claims. All collisions must be reported to your supervisor immediately.

2.  On-campus Occurrences

If the collision occurs on campus, Texas Tech Police shall be notified. It is the responsibility of the department to which the university vehicle is assigned to complete an Auto Collision Information Form (Attachment A) and forward it immediately to the TTUSORM. It is also the responsibility of the department to which the vehicle is assigned to obtain a copy of the police report or call sheet from Texas Tech Police and forward it as soon as possible to TTUSORM. TTUSORM will then forward copies of the complete collision report package to the university's insurance company and the Vehicle Fleet Management Office. TTUSORM will attempt to collect for damages to university property if the university driver is not at fault.

3.  Off-campus Occurrences

A collision off-campus, whether in or out of the state of Texas, should be reported to the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction. It is the driver's responsibility to notify TTUSORM immediately and provide that office a copy of the collision information as soon as possible. The department must also complete an Auto Collision Information Form (Attachment A) and forward it to TTUSORM. TTUSORM will then forward copies of the complete report package to the university's insurance company and the Vehicle Fleet Management office. TTUSORM will attempt to collect for damages to university property if the university driver is not at fault.

4.  All Occurrences

Notify the Texas Tech University System Office of Risk Management of any occurrence immediately. Further, the Vehicle Fleet Management office also requires an investigation of the collision by the completion of the Vehicle Accident Investigation (Attachment B) and Vehicle Collision Witness Statement (Attachment C). These forms will be completed and forwarded to TTUSORM, Box 42003, within three working days following the collision. TTUSORM will send copies to the Vehicle Fleet Management office (Box 43161 or 407 Flint Ave. STE 207) within two working days following receipt of the reports.

Vehicles damaged will be repaired, replaced, or disposed of within 120 days of the incident. Any expenses incurred to repair the vehicle should be recorded in the State of Texas Vehicle Use Report for the applicable month and forwarded to the Vehicle Fleet Management office no later than the fifth day of the next month. Refer to OP 80.07, Vehicle Fleet Management Program, for additional reporting guidance.

The department head is responsible for conducting an evaluation of the driver involved in the vehicle accident to determine if there is reasonable suspicion to conduct post-accident alcohol/drug testing. Alternatively, the department head may require that all drivers involved in vehicle accidents submit to post-accident alcohol/drug testing. If testing is required, the employee must take a breath alcohol test and produce a urine sample for drug testing within 2 hours of the accident. For requirements related to employees in security-sensitive Level II or CDL safety-sensitive positions, refer to OP 70.35, Drug and Alcohol Testing for Safety- and Security-Sensitive Positions.

University personnel found to be negligent in the use of a university vehicle are subject to administrative action and possible suspension of driver authorization.


Attachment A: Auto Collision Information Form

Attachment B: Vehicle Accident Investigation

Attachment C: Vehicle Collision Witness Statement

Operating Policies & Procedures