Texas Tech University


[Major revision–posted 10/9/24 (replaces 10/28/11 edition)]
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 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 32.07: Other Employment, Faculty Consulting, and Public Offices

DATE: October 9, 2024

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to establish the university policy regarding other employment, faculty consulting, and the holding of public offices by university faculty members.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed every two years after publication by the Vice Provost for Faculty Success with substantive revisions forwarded to the Provost and Senior Vice President.


1.  Policy

The primary responsibility of university faculty is the full and complete execution of all assigned duties, the fulfillment of those professional obligations not ordinarily reduced to written assignment, and the maintenance of current professional skills. Outside employment must be compatible with the interests of the university and of such a nature that it will not detract from the effectiveness and performance of the faculty member.

a.    Outside Employment
        Section 03.01.5, Regents' Rules

Outside employment is defined to be self-employment or any compensated service or employment of a Texas Tech faculty member, regardless of rank, by any entity, other than the university.

(1)    Any arrangement for employment in any other institution of higher education, including employment in teaching, research, or administrative roles, must be approved in advance by the supervisor of the faculty member/employee via TTU’s online disclosure system at https://ttu.my.irbmanager.com/Login.aspx, which provides details of and justification for the proposed outside employment. No faculty member of Texas Tech University may accept employment responsibilities with another institution of higher education, whether in face-to-face or online modalities, without prior approval of the appropriate chairperson, dean, and the PSVP of Texas Tech University. Such employment must not impair the performance of the faculty member, particularly as a teacher and scholar, within Texas Tech University. Any such employment arrangement must be for a defined temporary period only, such as a single semester, and will not be continuous or periodic, such as each fall semester.

(2)    Failure to timely file the required form with the appropriate authority constitutes a violation of Texas Tech policy and may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

b.    Non-Elective Offices
       In accordance with Article 16, § 40 (c), The Texas Constitution, and Chapter 574, Texas Government Code

A faculty member may hold other non-elective offices or positions of honor, trust, or profit with the State of Texas or the United States, if holding other offices or positions is of benefit to the State of Texas or is required by state or federal law, and if there is no conflict between holding the office or position and holding the original office or position for which the faculty member receives salary or compensation.

Before a faculty member may accept an offer to serve in other non-elective offices or positions of honor, trust, or profit with the State of Texas or the United States, the faculty member must obtain from the appropriate administrative officials and the Board of Regents a finding that the requirements of this section have been fulfilled, including expected additional compensation to be received from such service. The finding of the Board of Regents shall be recorded in the official minutes of the meeting of the Board at which approval was granted.

A faculty member desiring to accept an offer to serve in other non-elective offices or in a position of honor, trust, or profit with the State of Texas or the United States must submit a letter of request through administrative channels for Board of Regents consideration.

c.    Elective Offices

Faculty may hold non-salaried public elective offices providing they meet their primary responsibilities to the university.

If a faculty member is elected or appointed to another position that pays a salary and the two positions are such that they cannot be held at one time by the same person, qualification and acceptance for the second position will automatically be considered as a resignation of employment with Texas Tech University.

d.    Faculty Consulting

It is desirable that the faculty be composed of persons with such competence in their fields that their service in a professional capacity will be sought outside the university. Hence, with prior approval of administrative authorities, a faculty member may perform outside work for pay during the months of regular employment. However, such work must not interfere with normal duties, including those extra responsibilities expected of all faculty members. Therefore, the amount of time involved and absence from the campus while rendering outside services are of primary concern. This ordinarily should not exceed ten hours per week.

2.  Procedure

Each administrative officer is responsible for devising procedures and/or other appropriate methods for enforcement of this policy within individual areas of responsibility.

Operating Policies & Procedures