Texas Tech University

Bugleweed, Ajuga

Ajuga reptans

Bugleweed - otherwise known as ajuga - is a low-growing, shade-tolerant groundcover with quilted leaves.  While not the main attraction, its flower spikes are an appealing feature in the Spring.

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Ajuga reptans

Ajuga reptans Photo Gallery

Ajuga reptans Plant Information

Scientific Name: Ajuga reptans
Common Name: bugleweed

Family: Lamiaceae
Suggested Uses: perennials, groundcover, beds & borders
Plant Form: spreading
Height: 4 - 6 inches
Spread: 10 - 12 inches
Foliage: shiny, dark green leaves that turn metallic in cold weather

can be variegated

forms a dense mat from short stolons when happy

medium-textured foliage
Flower: flowers are not the primary ornamental value

flowers in blue, purple, or white spikes
Bloom Period: Spring
Sun: partial shade

morning sun to shade in Texas
Water: high water requirement
Soil: moist, fertile soil with low pH
Heat Tolerance: medium heat tolerance
USDA Zone: zones 4 - 8
Native Range: Central Europe
Maintenance: rapid growth rate

mow or trim old flower spikes annually

needs good air flow

propagation by division or stem cuttings
Pests & Pathology: susceptible to crown rot

TTU Plant Resources