Texas Tech University


Alcea rosea

Hollyhocks provides large, showy blooms and a strong vertical accent to both the landscape and cut-flower arrangements.  In West Texas, it acts as a biennial or weak perennial, and will likely need staking to support the tall stem in the wind.

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Alcea rosea

Alcea rosea Photo Gallery

Alcea rosea Plant Information

Scientific Name: Alcea rosea
Common Name: hollyhocks
Family: Malvaceae
Suggested Uses: biennials, beds & borders, cutflowers
Plant Form: upright
Height: 3 - 8 feet
Spread: 1 - 2 feet
Foliage: dense base of dark green to gray-green foliage with tall flower stalks

alternate, simple, lobed leaves which range from large to smaller from the base to the tip of flower stalk

coarse-textured foliage
Flower: large, single, saucer-shaped flowers on 3-8 foot-tall racemes

white, pink, red, maroon, purple, or yellow
Bloom Period: Spring - Summer
Sun: full sun
Water: medium water requirement
Soil: well-drained and moist

drought-tolerant once established
Heat Tolerance: medium heat tolerance
USDA Zone: zone 5
Native Range: Southern Asia
Maintenance: stake in windy locations

deadhead fruit to prolong bloom

propagation by seed
Pests & Pathology: susceptible to root rot, rust, and spider mites
Additional Notes: acts more as a biennial or weak perennial

strong vertical accent piece

TTU Plant Resources