Texas Tech University


Aquilegia x hybrid

The mounds of soft foliage and swarm of unique flowers that float above make columbine an appealing plant for landscapes and hummingbirds alike.

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Aquilegia x hybrid

Aquilegia x hybrid Photo Gallery

Aquilegia x hybrid Plant Information

Scientific Name: Aquilegia x hybrida
Common Name: columbine
Family: Ranunculaceae
Suggested Uses: perennials, beds & borders
Plant Form: upright, rounded
Height: 6 - 30 inches
Spread: 10 - 12 inches
Foliage: blue-green, deeply lobed, palmately compound, medium-textured foliage
Flower: cream, white, pink, blue, yellow, purple, or bicolor

funnel-shaped flowers with predominate spurs on each of 5 petals
Bloom Period: Spring - Summer
Sun: partial shade

tolerates sun if roots are moist
Water: high water requirement
Soil: well-drained, moist soil
Heat Tolerance: medium heat tolerance
USDA Zone: zones 4 - 7
Maintenance: mulch for deep frost

short lived, but will reseed

propagation by seed
Pests & Pathology: leaf miners and columbine borer

susceptible to root rot and crown rot
Wildlife: hummingbirds

TTU Plant Resources