Texas Tech University

Winecup, Poppy Mallow

Callirhoe involucrata

A low-growing native to the Western US and Mexico, wine cup produces purple or white flowers in the Spring and Summer.  Its drought-tolerance, preference of deep, sandy soil and lack of disease and pest issues might make it worth exploring as a groundcover.  

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Callirhoe involucrata

Callirhoe involucrata Photo Gallery

Callirhoe involucrata Plant Information

Scientific Name: Callirhoe involucrata
Common Name: wine cup

poppy mallow
Family: Malvaceae
Suggested Uses: perennials, groundcovers, natives
Plant Form: spreading
Height: 6 - 9 inches
Spread: 3 - 4 feet
Foliage: medium-textured foliage with scalloped edges trails on a vine-like stem
Flower: purple or white flowers have 5 separate petals and fused stamens that form a stalk
Bloom Period: Spring - Summer
Sun: light shade - full sun
Water: medium water requirement

Soil: adaptable, but best in deep, sandy soils
Heat Tolerance: medium heat tolerance
USDA Zone: zones 4 - 9
Native Range: Western US

Maintenance: propagation by division
Pests & Pathology: no serious pest or disease problems
Wildlife: pollinated by bees (cross-pollination required)

TTU Plant Resources