Texas Tech University

Pampas Grass

Cortaderia selloana

Native to South America, Pampas grass is a large ornamental grass that is resilient to tough conditions, resistant to pests and disease, and produces large, ornamental plumes that can be striking in dried arrangements.  Unfortunately, due to its large size, sharply serrated leaves, and tough roots, Pampas grass can also be resistant to maintenance and removal.

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Cortaderia selloana

Cortaderia selloana Photo Gallery

Cortaderia selloana Plant Information

Scientific Name: Cortaderia selloana
Common Name: Pampas grass

Carrizo De La Pampa
Family: Poaceae
Suggested Uses: perennials, ornamental grasses, cutflowers
Plant Form: upright, curved
Height: 5 - 12 feet
Spread: 4 - 6 feet
Foliage: tufted grass with leaves in large clumps

leaves have very sharply serrated edges
Flower: attractive beige or pink, foot-long feathery panicles
Bloom Period: Summer - Fall
Sun: full sun
Water: low water requirement

Soil: adaptable

tolerates salt
Heat Tolerance: very high heat tolerance
USDA Zone: zones 7 - 11
Native Range: South America
Maintenance: adaptable to many different conditions

prune near to ground in late winter

rapid growth rate

difficult to relocate or remove

foliage is a maintenance liability due to the sharp edges

propagation by division
Pests & Pathology: pest and disease free
Additional Notes: tolerates wind

too large for many gardens

TTU Plant Resources