Texas Tech University

Gazania, Treasure Flower

Gazania rigens

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Gazania rigens

Gazania rigens Photo Gallery

Gazania rigens Plant Information

Scientific Name: Gazania rigens
Common Name: gazania

treasure flower
Family: Asteraceae
Suggested Uses: perennial treated as an annual

beds & borders, container plantings
Plant Form: rounded
Height: 6 - 12 inches
Spread: 6 - 12 inches
Foliage: slender leaves in a basal rosette

medium-textured foliage with white pubescence on the lower side
Flower: orange, yellow, and mahogany daisy-like flowers with a bi-color pattern
Bloom Period: Summer - Fall
Sun: light shade - full sun
Water: medium water requirement
Soil: prefers well-drained soil

Heat Tolerance: medium heat tolerance
USDA Zone: zones 9 - 11
Native Range: South Africa
Maintenance: deadhead flowers

does best when established in cooler temperatures

propagation by seed or division
Pests & Pathology: susceptible to root rot

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