Texas Tech University

German Iris, Bearded Iris

Iris x germanica

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Iris x germanica

Iris x germanica Photo Gallery

Iris x germanica Plant Information

Scientific Name: Iris x germanica
Common Name: German iris

bearded iris
Family: Iridaceae
Suggested Uses: perennials, beds & borders, cutflowers, bulbs
Plant Form: upright, curved
Height: 1.5 - 2 feet
Spread: 1 - 2 feet
Foliage: fanned, strap-like leaves
Flower: stalk flowers composed of upright petals (standards) and lower petals (falls) with tufts of hair

white, blue, purple, pink, yellow, or orange

available in almost every color and color combination
Bloom Period: Spring
Sun: light shade
Water: medium - low water requirement
Soil: prefers well-drained soil

Heat Tolerance: high heat tolerance
USDA Zone: zones 4 - 10
Native Range: Europe
Maintenance: cut leaves to 4-6 inches to form fans in late Summer

deadhead after bloom

divide every few years

plant bulbs shallow, with rhizomes visible

propagation by division
Pests & Pathology: susceptible to iris borer and root rot

watch for snails, slugs, and grasshoppers

TTU Plant Resources