Texas Tech University


Petunia x atkinsiana

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Petunia x atkinsiana

Petunia x atkinsiana Photo Gallery

Petunia x atkinsiana Plant Information

Scientific Name: Petunia x atkinsiana
Common Name: petunia
Family: Solanaceae
Suggested Uses: perennial treated as an annual

beds & borders, container plantings, hanging baskets

good transitional plant
Plant Form: spreading, rounded, cascading
Height: 8 - 15 inches
Spread: 1 - 3 feet
Foliage: alternate, ovate leaves with a fine pubescence
Flower: funnel-shaped corolla available in singles, doubles, ruffles, fringes, stripes, veined, or trailing varieties

white, red, purple, pink, and yellow blooms with a sweet fragrance
Bloom Period: Spring, Summer, Fall
Sun: light shade
Water: medium water requirement
Soil: prefers soil that is well-drained, moist, and fertile
Heat Tolerance: medium heat tolerance

low frost tolerance
Maintenance: nitrogen fertilization

shear in summer months for improved density

dead head for best performance

propagation by seed
Pests & Pathology: susceptible to tobacco mosaic virus, aphids, botrytis, and root rot

TTU Plant Resources