Texas Tech University


Zinnia violacea

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Zinnia violacea

Zinnia violacea Photo Gallery

Zinnia violacea Plant Information

Scientific Name: Zinnia violacea
Common Name: zinnia
Family: Asteraceae
Suggested Uses: annuals, beds & borders, cutflowers
Plant Form: upright
Height: 1 - 3 feet
Spread: 1 - 2 feet
Foliage: foliage is opposite, sessile and rough hispid
Flower: single or double flowers in large heads of red, pink, orange, purple, yellow, and white
Bloom Period: Summer - Fall
Sun: full sun
Water: low water requirement
Soil: prefers well-drained soil

pH adaptable
Heat Tolerance: very high heat tolerance
Native Range: Mexico
Maintenance: good air circulation is a must

irrigate at the roots to keep the foliage dry

propagation by seed or leaf cuttings; easy to direct seed into the garden
Pests & Pathology: susceptible to powdery mildew, bacterial leaf spot, root rot, and aphids

TTU Plant Resources