Texas Tech University

Eastern Redbud

Cercis canadensis

Eastern redbud is a small, sometimes multi-trunked tree which is appreciated in the landscape for its showy early Spring blooms.

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Cercis canadensis

Cercis canadensis Photo Gallery

Cercis canadensis Plant Information

Scientific Name: Cercis canadensis
Common Name: Eastern redbud
Family: Fabaceae
Suggested Uses: single specimen, groupings, naturalized areas
Plant Form: small tree; rounded form
Height: 15 - 30 feet tall
Foliage: deciduous, alternate and cordate shaped with palmate venation

leaves are 3 - 4 inches wide

petiole is light red and swollen at leaf blade
Flower: pink, purple, or white flowers before leaves

will flower directly off branches or trunk

outstanding, showy color
Bloom Period: early Spring
Fruit: blackish-brown pod

will usually persist through winter
Bark: older bark is black or brownish black. Grey blotches on younger trees
Sun: full sun to light shade
Water: fairly drought-tolerant
Soil: well-drained soil

will grow in almost any soil type over a wide range of pH levels
USDA Zone: zones 4 - 9
Maintenance: will suffer if not managed correctly (pruning, fertilizer, irrigation, etc.)
Pests & Pathology: canker and borers can be problems
Additional Notes: many cultivars and varieties to select from

TTU Plant Resources