Texas Tech University

Poplar, Eastern Cottonwood

Populus deltoides

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Populus deltoides

Populus deltoides Photo Gallery

Populus deltoides Plant Information

Scientific Name: Populus deltoides
Common Name: Eastern cottonwood

Eastern poplar
Family: Salicaceae
Suggested Uses: weed tree that should not be used in most landscape situations
Height: 75 - 100 feet tall
Foliage: alternate and deciduous

deltoid (triangle) shaped and serrated with a flat petiole

dark green in growing season with good yellow fall color
Flower: dioecious; male (catkins) and female flowers open before leaves
Bloom Period: Spring
Fruit: dehiscent capsule which opens with “cottony” seeds in June to July
Bark: ash-gray

deep ridges on older trees
Water: prefers moist areas (native to wet areas), but will grow in dry soils
USDA Zone: zones 3 - 9
Maintenance: messy tree that will drop branches, leaves, flowers, and fruit

weak wood (fast grower) that will break in storms

surface roots can be a problem in lawns

‘Siouxland' is a fruitless, male form
Additional Notes: because of many problems with this tree, it has been outlawed as a landscape ornamental by several communities

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