Texas Tech University

Bradford Pear

Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’

Bradford pear can be a beautiful tree, but it has many problems.

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’

Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’ Photo Gallery

Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’ Plant Information

Scientific Name: Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford'
Common Name: Bradford pear
Family: Rosaceae
Suggested Uses: parking lots, specimen, street, park tree
Plant Form: medium tree; rounded, pyramidal form
Height: 25 - 30 feet tall
Foliage: alternate, simple, and deciduous

dark green in Summer and can turn red in Fall
Flower: small, white flowers in corymbs before leaves

very malodorous
Bloom Period: mid-Spring
Fruit: small pome
Bark: lightly ridged and furrowed
Sun: full sun
Water: some drought tolerance
USDA Zone: zones 5 - 8
Maintenance: small crotch angles lead to broken limbs as the tree ages

most trees will live 15 to 20 years and then begin to fall apart
Pests & Pathology: fireblight (Erwinia amylovora) is a challenge in climates with high humidity
Additional Notes: somewhat pollution tolerant

over-planted in many areas, and now being replaced by other P. calleryana cultivars; ‘Chanticleer', ‘Aristocrat', and ‘Redspire' are thought to be more quality cultivars

TTU Plant Resources