Texas Tech University

Mexican Buckeye

Ungnadia speciosa
Deciduous-Shrubs / Deciduous-Trees

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Ungnadia speciosa

Ungnadia speciosa Photo Gallery

Ungnadia speciosa Plant Information

Scientific Name: Ungnadia speciosa
Common Name: Mexican buckeye
Family: Sapindaceae
Suggested Uses: screen, mass plantings, natives, etc.
Plant Form: small tree or large shrub
Height: 15 - 25 feet tall
Foliage: odd pinnately compound, alternate, and deciduous with 5 to 7 leaflets

leaflet margins are serrated with serrations covering about three fourths of the leaflet

leaves have similar appearance to Acer negundo

excellent yellow fall color
Flower: fragrant, rose colored flowers appear just before or with the leaves
Bloom Period: Spring
Bark: three chambered dehiscent capsule appears in the Fall
Sun: full sun - partial shade
Water: drought-tolerant
Soil: pH tolerant
USDA Zone: zones 7 - 9
Native Range: Texas

New Mexico

Maintenance: seeds are somewhat poisonous (depends upon each particular plant)

leaves may cause some minor discomfort
Additional Notes: very tough once established

plant was used by Paleo-Indians as early as 9,000 years ago

TTU Plant Resources