Texas Tech University



Our Mission

RaiderReady serves to acclimate, prepare, and guide students as they begin their academic journey at Texas Tech University. The program assists students by developing and honing their academic success skills as they build relationships and community with their fellow Red Raiders. RaiderReady encourages students to engage with campus and develop into well-rounded campus citizens.

Benefits of RaiderReady program:

  • Practice effective communication
  • Become actively engaged, inside and outside the classroom
  • Develop relationships with students, faculty and staff
  • Learn problem solving and ethical reasoning skills
  • RaiderReady helps you unmask the possibilities of college life!

RaiderReady Program offers four one-credit courses meant to assist students in academically transitioning and maintaining success throughout their college years and beyond.

Why should I take RRP 1100 RaiderReady: First Year Seminar?

RRP 1100 RaiderReady: First Year Seminar is designed to ensure your success in the first semester of your college career. Students who enroll and complete the course have earned higher GPAs, are more connected to Texas Tech, and are more likely to continue on to their second year of studies here at Texas Tech.

RRP 1100 RaiderReady: First Year Seminar

A one hour, first-year student seminar course designed for students to successfully manage the transition from high school to Texas Tech.

RRP 2100 RaiderReady: Second Year Seminar

A one-credit course that helps students successfully navigate their second year of college covering topics such as living off-campus and choosing a career, to budgeting and stress management.

RRP 3100 RaiderReady: Service and Research Seminar

A one-credit course that assists students in preparing for life after graduation by gaining experience and knowledge regarding Service Learning, Leadership, and Research.

RRP 4100 RaiderReady: Experience and Professional Skills Seminar

A one-credit course that helps students gain skills in career readiness and assists in successfully transitioning into a career after graduation.

RRP 1100 Student Comment

This course helped me get accommodated to life here at Texas Tech. It made me a better student and helped me understand all of the resources available to me as a student.

RRP 1100 Student Comment

I find that the course was a good starting point for students to take when entering college. It informed me of resources on campus and how to deal with time management as well as stress.

RRP 1100 Student Comment

This class really helped me become a stronger student and learn more about Texas Tech campus.

RRP 1100 Student Comment

This course really helped me gain a new perspective on college and adjust to college life. I know that I'll use all the tips from this course to be successful here!

RRP 1100 Student Comment

This course helped me prepare for what I was not expecting as a freshman. I've met amazing people in that class and the instructor had great advice about the do's and don'ts of college!

RRP 2100 Student Comment

Excellent class that provided useful information to my school life.

RRP 4100 Student Comment

I loved this class and got more out of this class then I could have imagined. I feel more confident about entering the world after graduation.

RRP 4100 Student Comment

This class helped me brush up on my resume skills and was very helpful in refreshing what I thought I knew about the interview process.

