Support SASW's Scholarship Funds
The Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work is grateful to the many donors who have provided endowments that annually generate funds to recognize outstanding graduate and undergraduate students for their work and achievements and to provide them with supplemental financial support. We also have several other funds established at the Texas Tech Foundation, which support faculty and student research. If you are a past student in one of our programs or simply interested in the kinds of research and community engagement that our students and faculty pursue, please consider making a financial contribution to one of our funds. The process is simple and your contribution is tax deductible! Each fund below has a link that will take you to the Texas Tech Foundation's website where you can make a donation online using a credit card. Giving could not be easier!
Research and scholarships in Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work
Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work Fund and Scholarship for Excellence
The SASW Department has an Excellence Fund that can be used to support students and faculty in all three programs and an Excellence Scholarship that can be used for student scholarships throughout the department.
Click this link to give a gift to the SASW Fund for Excellence.
Click this link to give a gift to the SASW Scholarship for Excellence.
Anthropology/ Archaeology
This fund supports student research.
The Will Queen Memorial Fund for Excellence in Anthropology
This fund was established in 2012 to honor the memory of Will Queen, who was a very talented graduate student in Anthropology. We thought it appropriate to remember Will through a series of activities that will support graduate student research and scholarship. First, the fund supports the Will Queen Graduate Student Symposium Award, an honor given to the best paper presented at the annual Lambda Alpha Honor Society Spring Research Symposium. This award carries a $100 prize. Additionally, the fund supports graduate student research and participation in archaeological field schools.
Click this link to give a gift to the Will Queen Memorial Fund for Excellence in Anthropology.
Latin American archaeological research.
Latin American Archaeological Research Fund
This fund can be used for any and all needs including but not limited to graduate student and faculty travel to conduct archaeological research in a Latin American country(including Belize), to present research findings at national and/or international conferences, equipment and supplies for use in the field and laboratory, the analysis of special samples and/or artifacts collected during the research, and the publication of technical reports related to the research.
Click this link to give a gift to the Latin American Archaeological Research Fund for Excellence.
This fund supports student research.
Dorothy N. Bagwell Student Research Endowment
This endowment provides funding to support original research by graduate students in anthropology.
Click this link to give a gift to the Dorothy N. Bagwell Student Research Endowment.
Evelyn L. Montgomery Scholarship Endowment
This endowment provides two annual scholarships to the top majors in anthropology. Juniors and seniors are eligible for consideration.
Click this link to give a gift to the Evelyn L. Montgomery Scholarship Endowment.
Physical Anthropology
Scholarships for research and travel.
Neven P. Lamb Scholarship Endowment
This endowment provides scholarship support for research/conference expenses for graduate students in physical anthropology.
Click this link to give a gift to the Neven P. Lamb Scholarship Endowment.
Social Work
Hortensia Estrada Children's Protective Services Scholarship Endowment
The Hortensia Estrada Children's Protective Services Scholarship was established to honor the memory of Hortenisa Estrada, a 1979 graduate of the TTU Social Work Program. Upon graduation, Ms. Estrada began a 27 year career with Children's Protective Services as a caseworker and supervisor. She is remembered by friends and colleagues as calm and fair regardless of the challenges she faced. When asked about how she would like the scholarship to be used, she paused briefly then said "It should go to someone who will use it to be able to go on to help others."
This scholarship is awarded to a social work major who is currently completing a social work field placement (SW 4611) with Children's Protective Services, who has FAFSA demonstrated financial need, and has an overall GPA of 2.75 or higher. Preference is given to first generation college students.
Click here to give a gift to the Hortensia Estrada Children's Protective Services Scholarship Endowment.
Social Work
Dr. Jerry B. Matthews Social Work Endowed Scholarship
The Dr. Jerry B. Matthews Social Work Endowed Scholarship was established to honor the service of Dr. Matthews to the TTU Social Work Program as professor and director. Dr. Matthews was the founding director and developed the original faculty and program that first met accreditation standards of the Council of Social Work Education in 1978. He worked tirelessly until his retirement in 2004 to ensure that students in the rprogram would have the best possible preparation for professional careers and success in graduate school.
This scholarship is awarded to a social work major who is currently enrolled in the social work field placement (SW 4611) and who has FAFSA demonstrated financial need. Social Work GPA may also be considered in the award process.
Click here to give a gift to the Dr. Jerry B. Matthews Social Work Endowed Scholarship.
Social Work
The Tony Carrasco Social Work Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established to honor the memory of Tony Carrasco, a 1993 graduate of the Texas Tech University Social Work Program.Tony was an exceptional student, person, and professional social worker who dedicated his life to service to other as a Marine in Vietnam, foster parent to over 50 children, field supervisor to TTU social work students, as a nursing home social worker, and family member. Social Justice and Integrity were important values to Tony who upheld ethical principles at the risk of losing a job. He loved learning and brought his depth of experience to the classroom. It is hoped that Tony's life will serve to inspire current social work students to aim high as scholars, as persons, and professionals who embody the values of the social work profession. He was but 53 years of age when he died suddenly of a heart attack, but the few years he lived were filled with compassionate, ethical, and dedicated service to others.
This scholarship is awarded to a social work major who has been accepted to candidacy, has FAFSA demonstrated financial need, is a non-traditional student (over the age of 25), and who has demonstrated through community service, employment, or life experience a commitment to well being of children, youth, elderly, or chronically ill persons.
Click here to give a gift to the Tony Carrasco Social Work Endowed Scholarship.
Scholarships for travel to conferences.
Chalfant Scholarship Endowment
The Chalfant Scholarship supports graduate students presenting scholarly research at professional meetings.
Click here to give a gift to the Chalfant Scholarship Endowment.
Graduate scholarships.
Mhyra S. Minnis Endowed Graduate Scholarship
The Mhyra S. Minnis Endowed Graduate Scholarship supports capable and needy graduate students.
Click here to give to the Mhyra S. Minnis Endowed Graduate Scholarship.
Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work
Holden Hall 158, Box 41012, 1011 Boston Ave., Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.2400 -