Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate acts on behalf of the faculty and serves as an advisory body to the President of the University and may consider all matters of university concern.
Any member of the University community may bring a matter of university concern to the attention of the Senate.
The Senate may make recommendations to the President of the University concerning the academic functions of the University, academic freedom and other matters pertaining to the welfare of the University, particularly those of special interest to the faculty. (Senate Constitution IV, 1-3)
Senate Meetings
Senate meetings typically take place on the second Wednesday of the month and are from 3:15-5:00 P.M. This year the senate will convene in the TLPDC Room 151 for the October, December and April meetings, but there is always a zoom link available to ensure access to the meeting for those who cannot attend in person. The zoom link is:
https://texastech.zoom.us/j/97550721370, Meeting ID:975 5072 1370
Please note that for some meetings, we will only be meeting via Zoom.
Fall Term
- September 11, 2024 (Zoom Only)
- October 09, 2024
- November 13, 2024 (Zoom Only)
- December 11, 2024
Spring Term
- January 08, 2025 (Zoom Only)
- February 12, 2025 (Zoom Only)
- March 12, 2025 (Zoom Only)
- April 09, 2025
- May 14, 2025 (Zoom Only)
Agenda Committee
Senators do not attend the agenda meeting but are welcome to submit topics for discussion. Please email Ian Barba if you have something you would like on the agenda. When submitting topics, please include a detailed description of the topic or any supplemental material that you would like to be reviewed by the senate. All requests must be submitted no later than the Monday of the week preceding the Senate meeting to ensure its inclusion in this month's agenda.
Contact Information
Faculty Senate
Box 41032
126 Doak Hall
Lubbock, Texas 79409
- Phone: 806.742.3656
- Email: FacultySenate@ttu.edu
2024-2025 Officers
- President:
Ian Barba - Vice President:
Caroline Bishop - Secretary:
Mahyar Hadighi - Business Coordinator:
Richard Sullivan
Current Issues
- Senate Bill 18
- All TTU Faculty Memorandum
- Previous All TTU Faculty Memorandum
- Salary Compression
- Resolution in Support of TTUHSC Faculty Senate Resolution of November 9, 2020
- Expanded Outdoor Wi-Fi on Campus
- Designated Student Work Areas
- OP 32.09 Revised
- OP 79.03 Curriculog Edits
- OP 32.38 Study Committee A
- McNair Scholars Program One Sheet
- Senate Resolution 55.39
- 2020 Admin Survey
- OP 61.46 1/8/20
- OP 61.45 Edit FWS 12/10/19
- OP 61.23 Office of Provost edits 9/20/18
Faculty Senate
Box 41032, 126 Doak Hall Lubbock, Texas 79409 -
(806) 834-8058 -