Texas Tech University

Reserve a Booth

This event is an "expo" of all the great campus resources we have available for current students. As an institution, we do a great job talking about our programs to prospective and incoming students, but after Red Raider Orientation, we don't have many opportunities for students to learn about what we offer, all in one place and at one time. After RRO, we have discovered that many students may not remember about all the things their fees pay for, and we want them to take advantage of the great things you are doing!

Students do not need to register in advance to attend the Techspo.

Goals of the Techspo

The Techspo provides students with an opportunity to meet with representatives from departments across campus that support their development at Texas Tech both in and out of the classroom. Many of these departments offer services that are "free" to students, and the goal is to help students learn what their fees pay for and make the most of their Texas Tech experience.

This event is intended to be an interactive exposition - in other words, FUN! This is a great opportunity to not only talk about what your departments do, but to actually demonstrate your services to students.

FAQs for Booth Hosts

Who should represent my area?

  • Staff members
  • Graduate assistants
  • Current students/Student ambassadors

What kind of materials should I bring?

  • Table Signage
  • Recruiting Brochures
  • Interest Sheets/Follow Up Forms
  • Giveaways or prizes
  • Interactive Demonstrations of Department Services

Who attends the Fair?

The Techspo relies heavily on members of the Texas Tech community to spread the word and invite students to the fair. In your conversations with students, keep the following types of students in mind and invite them to the fair.

  • New first-time-in-college and transfer students
  • Students who may need additional support in their transition to TTU
  • Students who may not know about all of the resources available at TTU

Staff Schedule

9:30 am - 10: 45 am: Set up begins in SUB Ballroom. Brunch provided.

11:00 am - 3:00 pm: Techspo 

3:30 pm: Booths pack up and depart

Reserve a Booth

Table reservations are open now!

Sign Up Buttonsign up button

Students do not need to register in advance to attend the Techspo.


If you have any questions about hosting a table at the Techspo, contact us at:

Student Engagement

Reserve a Booth

Departments and organizations must register in advance to participate in the Texas Techspo. Tables reservations are now open!


Important Dates

September 6

Final Registrations Due

September 12

Texas Techspo