Texas Tech University


The University Women's Club has three events each year to which all members are invited.

2022 - 2023 Calendar

Fall Welcome Event - Friday, September 23rd, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Come and Go event. Guests are welcome! Bring a Prospective Member. Spouses are always welcome. This is a free event. No Reservations Necessary.

Lubbock Women's Club

2020 Broadway

Speaker: Dr. Carol Sumner, Vice President & Chief Diversity Office

University Women's Club Membership Drive


Holiday Coffee - TTU Women's CLub & HSC Faculty Women's Club - Saturday, December 3rd, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

TTU Health Science Center

Foyer of Academic Classroom Building Foyer

3601 4th St.

Poinsettia Sales will benefit the Horn Endowment


Spring Luncheon & Silent Auction


Lubbock Women's Club

2020 Broadway St.

Recipients of the Paul Whitfield Fellowhsip will be honored at this event.


For more information on these events, please contact  Debbie Curti

(806) 928-7780 or uwc@ttu.edu 

University Women's Club