Texas Tech University

Give to TTU College of Human Sciences

Give to Human Sciences | Make a Lasting Impact

College of Human Sciences Fund for Excellence
Funds used to promote the College of Human Sciences, to enhance the national reputation of the College and to provide outreach to alumni and to prospective students and donors.

Dean Linda C. Hoover Fund in the College of Human Sciences
Funds will be used to enhance the student experience and to improve college initiatives. 

Kristie Storms Memorial Scholarship
Funds will be used to support FCSE student scholarships in the College of Human Sciences. This scholarship exists in memoriam of Kristie Storms, FCSE Assistant Professor of Practice.

Lynn Huffman Faculty Support Fund
Funds will be used to provide support for faculty in the College of Human Sciences.

Dean's Scholars
Funds will be awarded to students who are enrolled in the College of Human Sciences and qualify for the Dean's Scholars program.

Department Scholarships & Support

If you are interested in learning more about how you can support a specific department scholarship or initiative or research in our Centers and Institutes please contact Johnny.Fowler@ttu.edu or Brady.Subart@ttu.edu. Multiple opportunities are available to support and make an impact.