Texas Tech University

Recent & Upcoming Courses

For full course descriptions, check out the Summer 2024 Graduate Seminars page.

Previous Courses

MRST 5301 Methods in Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Dr. Couch

ENGL 5302 Middle English Language: Translating Middle English Literature
Dr. Couch

ENGL 5303 Studies in Medieval British Literature; Camelot and Gomorrah: Playing the Poems of the Pearl Poet
Dr. Couch 

ENGL 5303 Studies in Medieval Literature: Beowulf
Dr. McFadden

ENGL 5307 and 5315 History of the Weird Novel
Drs. Kvande and Shelton

ENGL 5307 Making the Novel in the Eighteenth Century
Dr. Kvande

ENGL 5309 Studies in Nineteenth Century British Literature: Victorian Science Fiction & Fantasy: Steampunk Past and Present
Dr. Rukavina

ENGL 5317 Postcolonial Literature: Postcolonial, Decolonial, Digital: One Billion and More Rising
Dr. Batra

ENGL 5317 Postcolonial Queer Studies
Dr. Batra

ENGL 5340 Research Methods
Dr. Couch

ENGL 5341 Histories and Theories of the Book
Dr. Rukavina (Fall 2019)

ENGL 5346 Digital Humanities
Dr. Kvande (Fall 2018) ; Dr. Phillips (Spring 2021)

ENGL 5348 Studies in the History of the Book: Print, Manuscript, and Authority in the Long Eighteenth Century
Dr. Kvande

ENGL 5351 Studies in Literature and Film: Media Transformations in the Late Nineteenth Century
Dr. Phillips

ENGL 5351 Studies in Literature and Film: Adaptation as Process and Product
Dr. Phillips

ENGL 5351 Studies in Film and Literature: Political Art Manifesto & Latin American Cinema
Dr. Baugh

ENGL 5375 Document Design
Dr. Tham

ENGL 5380 Advanced Problems in Literary Studies: Celebrity Poets and the Poetics of Celebrity in the 19th-Century U.S.
Dr. Zellinger 

ENGL 5380 Pirates, Thieves, and Villains: Publishing and Book Publishing in the Nineteenth Century
Dr. Rukavina

ENGL 5380 Advanced Problems in Literature: Chapbook and Broadside Publishing
Dr. Bauer