Texas Tech University

Mukesh Kumar Mehla, Ph.D.

Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Current Lab Member

Email: mmehla@ttu.edu

Mukesh Kumar Mehla is currently working as a Post Doctoral Research Associate - Sensor Based Irrigation Management in the Department of Plant & Soil Science. He has completed his Ph.D. (Soil and Water Conservation Engineering) from Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur, India. He received the prestigious Indian Council of Agricultural Research Senior Research Fellowship (ICAR-SRF) during his Ph.D.

His research focuses on different aspects of irrigation water management using different ground and aerial-based sensor systems for understanding crop-soil-atmosphere interactions and conducting crop- hydrological modelling. He collaborates closely with producers as a part of the TAWC (Texas Alliance for Water Conservation) network to test and develop innovative technologies to enhance water productivity under a wide range of cropping and water management systems.

Mukesh Kumar Mehla

Texas Coalition for Sustainable Integrated Systems Research Program (TeCSIS)