Texas Tech University

NWI plays a role in the 2014 "Major and Minor" Fair at TTU

NWI staff welcome students to their informational booth at the TTU Major and Minor Fair

(Above) NWI staff welcome students to their informational booth at the TTU Major and Minor Fair -

NWI's Education staff recently partook in TTU's Annual Major and Minor Fair to spread the word about the NWI's innovative new undergraduate program: a Bachelor's degree in Wind Energy. (Click here for more info about the BS in Wind Energy Program at TTU.)

According to the TTU website, the Major-Minor Fair at TTU is to "allow students to engage in major exploration and to begin the process of changing their major", should they so desire. Students have the opportunity to talk with representatives from all of the colleges and various academic departments across campus and to start finding a major that fits with their personal and professional goals. Helping students find a satisfying major is an important component of student retention here at Texas Tech University.