Texas Tech University


[Date changed–posted 7/13/2022 (last revised 3/14/17)]
[Updated reference to Senior Vice Provost–11/30/22; no additional change to OP]
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Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 34.04: Academic Regulations Concerning Student Performance

DATE: July 13, 2022

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to set forth and clarify the handling of academic regulations concerning student performance.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed in March of even-numbered years by the Vice Provost for Academic Innovation and Student Success with substantive revisions presented to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs by April 15.


1.  Minimum Academic Performance

Certain principles have been utilized in developing the regulations governing eligibility to reregister, suspension by the academic dean, and reinstatement following suspension. These principles include:

a.    The university's belief that, as long as its resources permit, each student, once admitted, should be given opportunity to demonstrate the ability to perform acceptable work;

b.    The belief that the early assumption of responsibility for one's own actions is part of the educational process;

c.    The belief that the university has particular obligations to the able student;

d.    The recognition that discouragement and mistakes are more likely to occur during the early stages of one's college career than in later semesters; and

e.    The belief that academic suspension is not designed as punishment, but is based upon the principle that a student should remain eligible for academic work on campus as long as satisfactory progress is being made, within reasonable time, toward the completion of an academic program. When such progress is unsatisfactory, the student is given time to reconsider goals and career plans outside the academic setting.

2.  Minimum Academic Requirements

Students with an adjusted GPA at or above 2.0 are in good academic standing and are eligible for all extracurricular activities, as governed by the rules of the specific activity. Some academic and extracurricular programs have requirements over and above the adjusted GPA of 2.0. Students who have an adjusted GPA above 2.0 but whose current semester GPA is below 2.0 should seek advice from their academic dean. Cumulative GPA will determine academic status for those students without an adjusted GPA.

Courses in which the grade of W received are not counted in determining total hours attempted by a student for this purpose only. They are counted toward the maximum hours for in-state undergraduate tuition.

In addition, the regulations reflect the university's experience that a student's performance over two semesters likely will provide a better measure of ability than will performance in a single semester. Finally, the standards become progressively more rigorous as the student moves toward a degree objective.

3.  Student's Academic Responsibility

All students are responsible for knowing their academic status and eligibility to re-enroll in the university. If it is determined that an ineligible student has enrolled, the student will be dropped immediately. For official verification of academic status, a student should consult the academic dean.

4.  Class Attendance

Responsibility for class attendance rests with the student. Regular and punctual attendance at all scheduled classes is expected, and the university reserves the right to deal at any time with individual cases of non-attendance.

The instructor determines the effect of absences on grades consistent with university policy for excused and unexcused absences. When absences jeopardize a student's standing in a class, it is the responsibility of the instructor to report that fact to the student's dean. Excessive absences constitute cause for dropping a student from class. The drop may be initiated by the instructor but must be formally executed by the academic dean. If the drop occurs before the 45th class day of a long semester or the 15th class day of a summer term, the Office of the Registrar will assign a grade of DG. If the drop occurs after those times, the student will receive an F. In extreme cases, the academic dean may suspend the student from the university.

Department chairpersons, directors, or others responsible for a student representing the university on officially approved trips must notify the student's instructors of the departure and return schedules. The instructor so notified must not penalize the student, although the student is responsible for material missed. Any student absent because of university business must be allowed to make up missed work within a reasonable span of time or have alternate grades substituted for work due to an excused absence. Students absent because of university business must be given the same privileges as other students; e.g., if other students are given the choice of dropping one of four tests, then students with excused absences must be given the same privilege.

In case of an illness that will require an absence from class for more than one week, the student should notify her/his academic dean. The dean's office will inform the student's instructors through the departmental office. In case of class absences because of a brief illness, the student should inform the instructor directly.

Refer to OP 34.19, Student Absence for Observance of Religious Holy Days, for information regarding an absence to observe a religious holy day.

5.  Additional Regulations

Individual colleges may have regulations in addition to those described in this policy. Students should check with their respective deans for information and requirements for specific colleges.

Operating Policies & Procedures