Texas Tech University

Our Research

Main Themes:

Animal welfare

Applied animal behavior 

Human-animal interactions

What is animal welfare?

Animal welfare includes the physical and mental states of an animal (Knowles & Broom, 1990), where "states such as fear, frustration, pain and discomfort may have adverse effects on the welfare of the individual" (Duncan & Dawkins, 1983). 

Why study human-animal interactions?

In just about any setting, it is nearly impossible to separate the influence humans have on animals, and vice versa. Whether it be in private pet owner's households, veterinary clinics, animal shelters, or even at your local dog park, human's play a large role in the lives of animals. Companion animals and humans are irrevocably tied to one another, such that the welfare and well-being of one influences the other. For instance, a person's knowledge, attitude, skills, training, and/or familiarity with animals can influence the welfare of the animal(s) in their care. Likewise, an animal's physical appearance, behavior, companionship, etc., can influence the well-being of humans. 

Research Methods

We use an epidemiological approach to explore behavior and welfare topics related to companion animals and human-animal interactions. We measure behavioral and physiological indicators to assess affective states in animals, and the wellness of their human counterparts.


White catPhoto: Buffy

Human-Animal Interaction Lab