Texas Tech University

Steers Multiple Implant Studies: Search and Summarize


Show me experiments within trials that have:

1st Implant Program (required):
1st and 2nd implant must be selected.
2nd Implant Program (optional):
3rd Implant Program (optional):

Please add implant programs in order. For example, if you only have two programs to compare, choose Programs 1 and 2 but not 3.

For programs with Revalor-XS or Synovex One only (no re-implant), choose Revalor-XS or Synovex One as the 1st implant and No implant as the 2nd implant.

or refine your search with parameters below:

Average Daily Gain:

Average Daily Gain is (default is "any" if blank):

Days On Feed:

Days On Feed is (default is "any" if blank):

In Weight:

In Weight is (default is "any" if blank):

Feed Per Lb. Gain:

Feed Per Lb. Gain (default is "any" if blank):

Dry Matter Intake:

Dry Matter Intake (DMI) is (default is "any" if blank):

Hot Carcass Weight:

Hot Carcass Weight (HCW) is (default is "any" if blank):





Merck & Texas Tech University North American TBA Implant Database