Texas Tech University


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New to Blackboard?

Enroll in a self-paced Blackboard Basic Training course designed to introduce the more basic and commonly utilized tools and features.

Blackboard Basic Training

Develop a Course

To get started with Blackboard at Texas Tech, it is recommended that you request a Blackboard Development Course in preparation for your Live Course. We loosely categorize our Blackboard course into two types: Development Courses and Live Courses.

Development Courses

Development Courses are already formatted with a standard course design template which includes numerous student and instructor resources as well as other components that help to jumpstart the development of your course. Please note that a development course does not support student access — it is strictly an avenue for developing your course. Click below to request a Development Course.

Live Courses

At Texas Tech University all semester based live courses are automatically pushed to Blackboard. As new courses are created in Banner and instructor information change, those changes will also occur in Blackboard. Typically, this change happens within 24 hours.

The Live Course is synced to Banner and will auto-populate your course with all registered students. You have the option to copy the content from a Development Course or another Live Course into the new semester's Live Course.

Publishing Schedule

Live courses are automatically pushed to Blackboard from Banner. The schedule for pushing live courses to Blackboard is:

  • Fall — First Monday of July
  • Spring — First Monday of November
  • Summer — First Monday of April

Need Help?

If you would like tips on designing, developing, and/or teaching an online course, any member of our Instructional Design Team can assist you through face-to-face, one-on-one consultations (by appointment only).


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