Texas Tech University



THECB Definition:
Rank of student as of the census date of the reporting period. Listed below are the various ranks used by the CBM reports.
  • Baccalaureate - A student who has previously earned a bachelor’s degree. (CTC CBM001, CBM00S, CBM0E1)
  • Continuing Education Student - Reserved for students enrolled in Continuing Education courses only for the reporting period. (CTC CBM00A)
  • Doctor’s Level-Professional Practice Law - A student admitted to an approved Law program at the institution. (Univ, ICU CBM001; Univ CBM0E1)
  • Doctor’s Level-Research/Scholarship - Students who are admitted to an approved doctoral degree program. This includes students who have either completed a master’s degree which the institution recognizes as the equivalent of one year’s work towards the doctoral degree on which the student is working or has earned at least 30 semester credit hours toward the proposed degree. (Univ, HRI, ICU CBM001; Univ CBM00S, CBM0E1)
  • Freshman - A first year undergraduate student who has completed less than 30 semester credit hours. (Univ, CTC, HRI, ICU CBM001; Univ, CTC CBM00S, CBM0E1)
  • Junior - Generally, these are students with more than 59 but less than 90 semester credit hours in a 120 hour program. (Univ, HRI, ICU CBM001; Univ. CBM00S, CBM0E1)
  • Lower Division -- A student with no more than 72 semester credit hours. (CTC CBM00S)
  • Master’s Level - A student with a BA or equivalent and accepted into a graduate program.
  • Post-baccalaureate - A student who has previously earned a bachelor’s degree but is not enrolled in a graduate program. (Univ, HRI, ICU CBM001; Univ CBM00S, CBM0E1)
  • Senior - Generally, these are students with more than 89 sch in a baccalaureate program. (Univ, HRI, ICU CBM001; Univ CBM00S, CBM0E1)
  • Sophomore - Generally, these are undergraduate students who have earned more than 29 but less than 60 semester credit hours in a 120 hour program.
  • Community, technical, and state colleges define sophomores as second year students or those with more than 29 but less than 72 semester credit hours. (Univ, CTC, HRI, ICU CBM001; Univ, CTC CBM00S, CBM0E1)
TTU Definition:
A classification of students, first by level, then by class. Class is determined by the progress towards a degree. At the undergraduate level, students are classified as freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior.

Institutional Research

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    Texas Tech Plaza, Suite 401 | 1901 University Ave. | MS2017 Lubbock, TX. 79410
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