TTU Application Virtualization with Citrix
Information about Application Virtualization
Application virtualization enables you to run selected software applications from anywhere you have an Internet connection without having to install the software. Texas Tech University Information Technology Division is working with our site licensed software vendors to provide some applications to the TTU community.
To access "virtualized" software, you must have specialized software installed on your device. We have selected Citrix as our strategic vendor partner for this solution. You may find instructions below on how to download and install this software on your device.
How to Install or Update the Citrix Workspace (Store Front)
In order to use this service, you will need to download and install the Citrix Workspace specific to your operating system. Please select from the choices below for information and installation instructions tailored to fit your system. Once you download the workspace, it will be configured to automatically take you to the TTU Citrix StoreFront, where you will be able to access all currently virtualized software.
How to Refresh Applications within Citrix
If you have installed the latest version of the Citrix client (workspace) and are not able to use one of your virtualized applications in the Storefront, you will simply need to refresh your applications. For instructions to refresh your Citrix Storefront applications (Favorites), please visit our instructions located in askIT.

Reserved Maintenance Window
The Technology Support Systems Team conducts routine maintenance and updates on the Citrix system each Friday morning, from 3:00 to 7:00 AM. During this time period the system may be intermittently unavailable/inaccessible. If you experience problems with any of this service outside this maintenance period, please contact IT Help Central at 806-742-4357 (HELP).
Contact Information
IT Technology Support
Box 42042, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.1650 -