Texas Tech University

User Inputs

Users may be using a variety of devices in interacting with your site. A user should be able to do everything on your site with just a keyboard. If your application is using keyboard shortcuts, a user should be able to disable or remap those shortcuts. Alternatively, the shortcuts should only be active in specified, appropraite contexts.

Users may not always be able to use a mouse. They may not have the dexterity to do some kind of multi-touch gesture on your site. If your application is using multi-touch gestures, there should be some way to perform the same task with a single touch action. Similarly, a users' motion or ability to drag elements should not be required to control the site.


A user should be able to tell which element has focus on the page. Pressing the "Tab" key on your keyboard should move focus across the page in a sensible order. If a user gives an element focus, they should also be able to remove the focus on that element.