Texas Tech University


[Major revision–posted 10/16/24 (replaces 12/22/23 edition)]
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 Texas Tech University Double T

Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 32.15: Faculty Leave of Absence

DATE: October 16, 2024

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to ensure understanding and a standardized approach in handling faculty leaves of absence that are not handled under OP 32.29, Faculty Development Leaves.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed every two years after publication by the Vice Provost for Faculty Success with substantive revisions presented to the Provost and Senior Vice President (PSVP).


1.  Faculty leave of absence: This term is specific to a leave taken for academic purposes for the faculty member to pursue a professional opportunity that is related to research, creative activity, teaching, service, and/or engaged scholarship and aligned with the faculty member’s position at Texas Tech University. A faculty leave of absence is separate and distinct from employee leave, which includes items such as sick leave and family medical leave and is described in OP 70.01, Employee Leave.

Faculty leaves of absence may be granted when a faculty member proposes to pursue a professional opportunity that is not supported by a faculty development leave, per OP 32.29, Faculty Development Leaves. Faculty development leaves for which funds are provided through the university faculty development program are processed through separate procedures.

2.  Faculty leaves of absence are leaves without pay due to the nature of the activity undertaken during the leave. Faculty leaves of absence without pay are typically granted for one single semester or two consecutive semesters. A faculty leave of absence may be granted for a maximum of one calendar year effective the date the request is approved. However, the university President may grant exceptions to the maximum duration for a faculty leave of absence if the faculty member is taking leave for a reason such as to work for another state governmental entity under an interagency agreement, educational purposes, or compliance with applicable law.

3.  The following procedure is to be used for requests for faculty leaves of absence for academic purposes:

a.    The faculty member involved must request from the department chair, school director, or area coordinator a faculty leave of absence on the Application for Official Faculty Leave of Absence (see attachment) at least four months prior to the beginning of the requested leave period. Failure to submit the Application for Official Faculty Leave of Absence with at least four months’ notice could result in the application being denied due to lack of a unit’s ability to cover the faculty member’s absence. The request must specify the faculty member’s rank/position, specific beginning and ending dates of the requested leave, location of the leave, purpose of the leave, and the benefit of the leave to the faculty member and the institution.

b.    The department chair, school director, or areas coordinator must note their recommendation on the submitted Application for Official Faculty Leave of Absence and forward it to the dean.

c.    The dean must note their recommendation on the submitted Application for Official Faculty Leave of Absence and forward it to the PSVP. The chairperson and dean may submit other relevant information.

d.    The PSVP must review the request and approve or disapprove the requested faculty leave of absence within ten (10) days of receipt. If approved, the Office of the PSVP must prepare the leave application for submission to the President and the Board of Regents for final approval at the next available meeting of the Board. The information to the President must include at least those items named in section 3.a above to provide appropriate data for ratification by the Board of Regents.

e.    After a vote of the Board of Regents, the Office of the PSVP must notify the faculty member involved of the Board of Regents’ decision by letter, sending copies to the President, dean, and department chair, school director, or area coordinator.

f.    Upon receipt of a copy of the approval of a faculty leave of absence from the PSVP, the appropriate department chair, school director, or area coordinator must submit, as applicable, a Leave Without Pay form, selecting “Faculty Development Leave Without Pay and Without Benefits” as the type of leave.

4.  A faculty member requesting a faculty leave of absence in combination with the retention of some percentage of employment during the period of leave must contact the Vice Provost for Faculty Success for prior written approval of such an arrangement.

5.  A faculty member granted a faculty leave of absence is solely responsible for contacting any appropriate agency or entity to make special arrangements for payment or continuation of applicable benefits during the faculty leave of absence. If a faculty member is in faculty leave of absence status for a full calendar month, the following changes to the faculty member’s benefits status will occur:

a.    Vacation leave, sick leave, and state service accruals are suspended;

b.    Group insurance premium-sharing contributions are suspended. The faculty member will be solely responsible for the timely payment of all insurance premiums;

c.    A faculty member who is participating in a health flexible spending account is required to pay their monthly pledge directly to ERS while on leave without pay;

d.    Contributions for a faculty member who is participating in the dependent flexible spending account will be suspended while the faculty member is in leave without pay status, and claims for expenses incurred during the month are not eligible for reimbursement;

e.    Tax sheltered annuities become inactive; and

f.    Membership in the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) or Optional Retirement Program (ORP) becomes inactive and contributions cannot be withdrawn.


Attachment: Application for Official Faculty Leave of Absence

Operating Policies & Procedures