Texas Tech University

Mayflower Viburnum, Koreanspice Viburnum

Viburnum carlesii

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Viburnum carlesii

Viburnum carlesii Photo Gallery

Viburnum carlesii Plant Information

Scientific Name: Viburnum carlesii
Common Name: Mayflower viburnum

Koreanspice viburnum
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Suggested Uses: mass plantings, shrub border, fragrance gardens
Plant Form: large shrub
Height: 4 - 10 feet tall
Spread: 4 - 8 feet wide
Foliage: deciduous, opposite, and rounded

1 - 4 inches long and broad-ovate to elliptic shaped

larger, more pubescent, and paler green when compared to V. x burkwoodii
Flower: perfect, pink to reddish in bud, but white when open

very fragrant
Bloom Period: late Spring
Fruit: drupe that changes from green to red to black
Sun: full sun to partial shade
Soil: well-drained soil

can tolerate slightly alkaline, but prefers acidic soils
USDA Zone: zones 5 - 8

TTU Plant Resources