Texas Tech University


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The Institute for Studies in Pragmaticism offers an undergraduate course and graduate-level courses on research methods associated with interdisciplinary studies. Students in any branch of Texas Tech University are eligible to enroll.

Our courses follow Charles Peirce's example of interdisciplinary method to bridge the gap between natural sciences and humanities to achieve timely solutions for global problems. The program PEIRCE STUDIES aims to make interdisciplinary methodology accessible to young scholars and researchers as (i) a testable objective hypothesis and working theory; (ii) as a research tool with roots extending at least to the ancient world; and (iii) as a common methodological foundation that can be implemented between diverse disciplines.

For further details on our courses and how to integrate them into your study program, please consult with Dr. Elize Bisanz, director of the Institute for Studies in Pragmaticism, elize.bisanz@ttu.edu.

Undergraduate Courses

PRAG 3301: Semeiotic. The Universe of Signs and Their Relations.
Humans communicate via signs to express ideas, to represent meanings followed by interpretations. Semeiotic is the science of these communication processes.

PRAG 4000: Peirce Studies.

Graduate Courses

PRAG 5000: Peirce Studies.

PRAG 5301: Semeiotic. A Common Method in Interdisciplinary Study.
Natural processes structured as dialogues are semeioses. Semeiotic (developed by C.S. Peirce) is the interdisciplinary scientific theory of such processes. Spring 2021 Course Flyer

PRAG 6000: Master's Thesis.

PRAG 7000: Peirce Studies. Individual Research.

PRAG 8000: Doctor's Dissertation.