Faculty Outreach

How can I get an SI Leader for my Course(s)?
SI is always looking for new partnerships with faculty and departments. Supplemental Instruction is generally provided for courses that have an overall enrollment of 200 or more students, and where there are a high number of Ds, Fs, or withdrawal rates from the course. Please contact Will Lopez at william.s.lopez@ttu.edu or at 806-834-1476.
What can I expect from a partnership with Supplemental Instruction and the SI Leader?
Faculty members are not required to work with SI Leaders. However, we would encourage them to meet with the SI Leader on a monthly basis. SI Leaders are required to sit-in on a Section of your Course like a regular student, this is how they know what content to cover in thier Sessions. We also encourage our SI Leaders to make an announcement about their Sessions during the first week of class, this is only after given permission by yourself to do so.
How are SI Leaders selected?
SI Leaders must earn an A in the course from Texas Tech that they would like to be
an SI Leader for. We then interview SI Leader's and look at their knowldege in the
subject and ability to present it through a Mock SI Session. We also look at their
ability to communicate and manage their time effectively.
Can I recommend students to serve as an SI Leader?
Yes, recommendations from professors are highly encouraged. Those students will still go thorugh our interview process and cannot guarantee they will be hired.
What quality assurance processes are in place?
Throughout the semester the SI professional staff facilitates the observation process, mid-semester surveys, and end of semester surveys to ensure the SI Sessions meet the office standards. These opportunities give the SI Leader the opportunity to receive feedback from several points throughout the semester.
Does the SI Office provide student data to faculty partners?
Data may be available upon request. Certain data may be shared with faculty partners, although this does not include the list of students who have attended SI Sessions. The SI office may provide the faculty partner the attendance and average attendance of the SI Sessions. At the conclusion of the semester (when grades are posted), the SI staff may provide a breakdown of the total number of students attending SI Sessions for that semester, and the performance of students attending the SI Sessions compared to the students that did not attend an SI Session.
Supplemental Instruction
Texas Tech University, Drane Hall, Room 135, Mail Stop 5020, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3664 -