Texas Tech University

Project Leadership Challenge Staff

Devender Banda, PhD, BCBA-D.

Dr. Devender Banda, Ph.D.

Position: Coordinator of Leadership Training
Experience: Dr. Banda has more than 20 years of experience working with individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. He has worked in school settings and has also provided behavioral consultation services in educational and home settings.
Position at TTU: Dr. Banda is a professor of special education and teaches courses in applied behavior analysis and special education. He is the Verified Course Sequence (VCS) Coordinator for the TTU ABA program.
Phone: 806-834-4827

Stacy Carter, PhD, BCBA-D, NCSP, LSSP

Dr. Stacy Carter, Ph.D.

Position: Project Director
Experience: Dr. Carter has more than 20 years of experience working with individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. He has worked in developmental disabilities centers and with community supported living agencies in several different states.
Position at TTU: Dr. Carter is a professor of special education and teaches courses in applied behavior analysis and special education.
Phone: 806-834-3343

Nora Griffin-Shirley, PhD, COMS

Dr. Nora Griffin-Shirley, Ph.D.

Position: Project Evaluator and Coordinator of Mentorship Program
Experience: Dr. Griffin-Shirley has provided services to persons with IDD as an orientation and mobility specialist for individuals who have a visual impairment. Additionally, she was the guardian of an adult with IDD for many years until his death.
Position at TTU: Dr. Griffin-Shirley is the TTU's Director of the Virginia Murray Sowell Center for Research and Education in Sensory Impairments, the Coordinator of Orientation and Mobility Program and the TTU's Graduate School Certificate in Sensory Impairments and Autism.
Phone: 806-834-0225

Pam Lindell, BS

Pamela J. Lindell

Position: Specialist
Experience: Pam has taught life skills to students with IDD for over 15 years through public education and state supported agencies.
Position at TTU: Pam has served as a business assistant and course designer for several grants awarded to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Certification Preparation and Deafblind programs at Texas Tech.
Phone: 806-834-2016

National Leadership Consortium on Developmental Disabilities