Texas Tech University


On February 9, 2005, a series of options, some involving a doubling of fees within two years, were presented to the Senate in a very extensive PowerPoint presentation. On March 9, supporting a resolution of the Staff Senate, the Senate passed a resolution protesting the way that patrons and supporters of theater and music productions were being charged for evening parking.

Following the resignation of Buddy Knox, managing director of Traffic and Parking, this position has been filled by Eric Crouch, who addressed the Senate on November 9. He later proposed an advisory committee, to which the Senate, on December 7, named Senator Gad Perry as its representative.

The Board of Regents on December 15 authorized funds to plan a new parking garage as part of the eastern facade expansion of Jones Stadium, a program that would draw on additional sources of funding and would delay the proposed new parking structure next to the new Business School, thus reducing immediate overall expenses on the system.  Despite presentations by the presidents of the Staff Senate and the Faculty Senate advocating that major changes in parking fee structure be grandfathered in for existing employees, the Board of Regents approved a doubling of reserved parking fees at the February 24 open meeting.

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Faculty Senate