Texas Tech University


"Academic departments have their own "lives". They are not actual biological entities, but they consist of the dynamic mixture of the people-faculty, staff, students-who live and work in them, and each individual faculty, staff and student there over the lifetime of the department constitutes a part of it; kind of like cells, organs, components, etc., of a living organism".
-Don Ethridge 2009

The interviews here are an attempt "to keep from losing more of our sense of history for the department..."

For additional information see:

Dr. James W. Graves 1961-1963, 1967-1998

Dr. Herb Grubb 1963-1972

Dr. Hong Y. Lee 1963-1987

Dr. Don Ethridge 1981-2008

Dr. Phil Johnson 1994-

Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics

  • Address

    Texas Tech University, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
  • Phone
