Texas Tech University

Andrew Young

Director of Graduate Students
Research Fellow

Dr. Andrew Young, Director of Graduate Students and Research Fellow

Andrew Young is the director of graduate students and a research fellow at the Free Market Institute. He is also a professor of economics in the Jerry S. Rawls College of Business Administration.

Andy's research and teaching interests include constitutional political economy, institutional economics, and economic development. His recent research focuses on the political economy of late antiquity and medieval Europe, as well as applied studies on modern-day Constitutional issues. He is the coauthor of The Medieval Constitution of Liberty: Political Foundations of Liberalism in the West (with Alexander Salter) (University of Michigan Press, 2023).

Andy has also authored more than 80 articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals including Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Journal of Institutional Economics, Constitutional Political Ecnomy, Contemporary Economic PolicyPublic Choice, and Southern Economic Journal. He also serves as a co-editor for Contemporary Economic Policy and on the editorial boards for Southern Economic Journal and The Journal of Private Enterprise.

Andy earned his Ph.D. in economics from Emory University. Before joining Texas Tech in September 2016, he taught at West Virginia University, University of Mississippi, and Emory University. At Texas Tech, Andy teaches an undergraduate course in Applied Business Economics and a gradate course in Economics of Regulation.

For more information about Prof. Young, please visit www.AndrewTYoung.com or his Social Science Research Network (SSRN) page: Andrew T. Young.

Recent Publications

Young, A. T. (Forthcoming). Consent or Coordination? Assemblies in Early Medieval Europe. International Review of Law and Economics, 72: 106096.

Grier, R. Young, A. T., & Grier, K. (2022). The Causal Effects of Rule of Law and Property Rights on Fiscal Capacity. European Journal of Political Economy, 74: 102169.

Bologna Pavlik, J. & Youg, A. T. (2022). Sorting out the Aid-Corruption Nexus. Journal of Institutional Economics, 18(4): 637-653.

Bologna Pavlik, J., Powell, B., & Young, A. T. (2022). Does Aid Cause Changes in Economic Freedom? Southern Economic Journal, 89(1): 90-111.

Acevedo, R., Mora, J., & Young, A. T. (2022). The Government Spending Multiplier in Latin American Countries: Does the Institutional Environment Matter? Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 14(4): 476-490.

Young, A. T. (2022). The Peace of God. Rationality & Society, 34(1): 28-55.

Callais, J. T. & Young, A. T. (2022). Does Rigidity Matter? Constitutional Entrenchment and Growth. European Journal of Law and Economics, 53(1): 27-62.

Callais, J. T. & Young, A. T. (2021). Does Constitutional Entrenchment Matter for Economic Freedom? Contemporary Economic Policy, 39(4): 808-830.

Bologna Pavlik, J. & Young, A. T. (2021). The Legacy of Representation in Medieval Europe for Incomes and Institutions Today. Southern Economic Journal, 88(1): 414-448.

Dove, J. A. & Young, A. T. (2021). What is a Classical Liberal Constitution? Independent Review, 26(3).

Higgins, M. J., Lacombe, D., Sell, B., & Young, A. T. (2021). Evaluating the Effects of Small Business Administration Lending on Growth. Small Business Economics, 57(1): 23-45.

Young, A. T. (2021). Carolingians at the Doorstep? The Maturing Limited Access Order of Early Medieval Europe. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 34(1): 1-19.

Young, A. T. (2021). The Political Economy of Feudalism in Medieval Europe. Constitutional Political Economy, 32(1): 127-143.

Tarabar, D. & Young, A. T. (2021). What Constitutes a Constitutional Amendment Culture? European Journal of Political Economy.

Levy, D. & Young, A. T. (2021). Promise, Trust, and Betrayal: Costs of Breaching an Implicit Contract. Southern Economic Journal, 87(3): 1031-1051.


Email: a.t.young@ttu.edu
Phone: (806) 834-1374
Offices: Administration 169B
Rawls College of Business NW307

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