Dr. Eileen JohnsonDepartment Chair
Horn Professor Director, Lubbock Lake Landmark
Senior Curator of Anthropology Course: MUSM 5327 Collections Management
eileen.johnson@ttu.edu |
As a museum professional, my interests and experience are in curation, conservation, preventive conservation, management of collections, and accreditation systems. As a Quaternary research scientist, my research interests and experience are in Quaternary paleoecology, taphonomy, paleoclimatology, and cultural systems; vertebrate paleontology, ecosystems; and geomorphology.
Sally SheltonAssociate Chair and Graduate Advisor
Associate Professor of Practice
Courses: MUSM 5332 Museum Preventive Conservation, MUSM 5340 Museum Collections Documentation sally.shelton@ttu.edu |
My museum career is based on the care and conservation of collections, especially natural history specimens and materials. My classes focus on all aspects of caring for museum collections and their associated data, from storage to handling to documentation. I also work with paleontology resource management issues on public lands, in situ conservation, and pre-college informal science education.
Dr. Hyojung ChoAssociate Professor
Heritage Management
Courses: HMGT 5323 Principles of Heritage Management,
HMGT 5327 Heritage Planning,
HMGT 5333 Heritage Tourism,
HMGT 5334 Public Heritage Communications, MUSUM 5330 Museum Law, Ethics, and Standards
My academic interest lies in investigating the use of heritage resources for present-day purposes and exploring ways to safeguard them for the benefit of society. I employ a holistic approach to heritage management, encompassing diverse types of heritage resources. Intrigued by the various perspectives and conflicts surrounding them, I have studied the policy and political dynamics of heritage management. Cultural diplomacy has emerged as one of my research focal points in recent years. In both my research and teaching, I emphasize the significance of heritage management in promoting social, cultural, and economic sustainability, while also highlighting the pivotal role played by museums.
Dr. Cameron SaffellAssociate Professor
Assistant Director for Operations & Special Projects
Curator of History
Courses: MUSM 5321 Museum Museology,
MUSM 5326 Museum Administration, MUSM 5329 Material Culture
Much of my museum professional life has revolved around interpretation and understanding of collections and cultural topics. Behind the scenes, I have been involved with museum governance/board relations, organization bylaws, public and interpretive programming, and research, conveying stories through creative exhibit design, and facility operations and construction. I am a historian of 19th & 20th century Texas and the American Southwest, specializing in agricultural and rural history and cultural and community topics.
Dr. Stance HurstAssistant Professor
Field Manager, Lubbock Lake Landmark regional research program
Courses: HMGT 7000 Geoheritage,
HMGT 5332 Digital Heritage,
HGMT 5331 World Heritage Sites, HMGT 7000 Thesis Prospectus
My research interests are in geoheritage, digital heritage, photogrammetry, 3D printing, GIS, territoriality, hunter-gatherers, lithic technology, Plains environments, soils and sediments, and the use of pXRF.
Dr. Jill Hoffman
Helen DeVitt Jones Curator of Education
Course: MUSM 5333 Museum Education
As a museum professional, my interests have been focused on how museums interpret Native American art and culture. As an instructor of museum education, I am interested in helping students understand the history of museum education, why and how it continues to change, and what the new challenges are for contemporary museum educators.
Susan Rowe
Heritage Education Program Manager, Lubbock Lake Landmark
Courses: HMGT 5330 Heritage Education, HMGT 5331 Exhibition Principles
COL Andrew Scott DeJesse
US Army Senior Heritage and Preservation Officer, US Department of State
Courses: HMGT 5339 Theory and Practice of Provenance Research
Heritage and Museum Sciences
3301 4th Street, Lubbock, TX 79415 -
806-742-0627 -