Texas Tech University

Social Habits in Spain

  • Realize that breakfast and dinner will be smaller meals, but that at midday the meal will be large. 
  • Siesta is real and you will learn to love it. Usually happens after lunch until 5 o'clock approximately. Not all Spaniards practice siesta. 
  • Spaniards are often late, and it is not considered rude.  
  • When you go to a restaurant, do not expect quick service as the lifestyle is more "laid back". Waiters do not work for a tip as in the U.S., you will have to flag down the waiter whenever you want something. 
  • Spain and Europe are more pedestrian than in the U.S., you will be doing a lot of walking.  
  • Public transportation is a good way to get around the city, Sevilla has buses, metro, trams and even bike rentals.  
  • Go to museums and other cultural events even if you do not do much of that right now. You will regret it if you do not. 
  • Spaniards, like many other Europeans, wear clothes that fit closer to their bodies. They also have fewer, but nicer, outfits (because good quality clothes can be pretty expensive).  
  • Spaniards socialize outside of the household; they go to bars and cafés to meet up with family and friends. 
  • Be prepared for besos - in some situations, everyone is going to be kissing everyone (a kiss on each cheek) and you are going to have to get used to this. Even when you first meet people who are friends of a friend, they will give you besos. Just remember to offer the right cheek first. 
  • Be aware that the distance between people who are just standing and talking is close and may make you feel uncomfortable at the outset. Do not feel invaded! This is just the Spanish idea of personal space. You will get used to it and not even notice it after a short time. Buses will often be crowded and lack of personal space is a given.