Texas Tech University

Merienda with the TTU Center in Sevilla

Graphic with the event details.

Join us for a Merienda with the TTU Center in Sevilla! Come along on October 10 to enjoy an afternoon snack and chat with staff, faculty, and the Sevilla Ambassadors. It's a great opportunity to learn more about the Center and get insights into life in Sevilla, Spain. Students, faculty, academic advisors, and staff are all welcome at the Student Enrichment Center. Don't miss out on this delicious and informative event!

Event Details

  • Date: Thursday, October 10
  • Time: 11am-2pm
  • Location: Student Enrichment Center (between the SUB and Drane Hall)

What is a "merienda?" Snack time in Spain! Come learn more about this Spanish tradition and many more.

Questions? Please contact studyabroad@ttu.edu